What is this page?
This page is to show examples of what I consider a detailed design for my upcharge on commissions.
Below are past commissions I am using as examples to show what I would label as simple vs detailed. If you are still unsure if your character would be considered detailed or not, assume detailed and mention you are unsure when you fill out your form. If you get one of my slots, I can discuss it with you then.
If you want to know why I am charging a fee for this, it is simply because some characters take longer to draw when they have detailed or complex designs, which means more hours working on that commission.
Instead of focusing on raising my prices overall for everyone, I decided to keep a base price and charge extra for characters I know will take longer to draw, if either them or their clothing design are detailed/complex.

Simple Design Examples
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Designs I consider simple usually have the following:
Few to no small details/accessories​
Clothes mostly have large areas without much line work/details
Detailed Design Examples
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Designs I consider detailed usually have the following:
Moderate to many details/accessories​
Design mostly has many small areas of detail and/or lots of line work